Friday, August 12, 2005

Blog styles

Ok, which do you prefer -- blog entries that are on a single topic, or those with multiple entries?

I ask because I've seen plenty of both, but I know I like the shorter, one-thing-at-a-time style over the lengthy ramblings that may or may not keep my interest. I guess those are more like scanning a page of news briefs. Some draw you in, others you could care less about.

So lemmeknow, which is it? Long blogs entries on multiple topics or shorter entries limited to one topic?

blog on!


Blogger Paige said...

Sometimes when writing one thing bleeds into another, and before you know it you've rambled your way to no readership, so I would have to say short....although I've seen some people that can ramble and keep my attention for a LONG time.

8/12/2005 10:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

definitely short, newsy style

8/16/2005 12:02 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

I like one-topic posts that deal with a particular issue that's on the blogger's mind. In newspaper terms, it's the articles I prefer, not so much the police blotter.

8/16/2005 10:15 PM  
Blogger Mr. High Rise said...

I prefer the short entries. Besides being easier to read, a good writer doesn't need to ramble on to make his/her point with a blog entry.

8/19/2005 1:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Generally, I prefer short entries. I agree with Paige, however, that some bloggers can write well enough to hold the attention for a longer essay. Bill Whittle, for example.

8/24/2005 12:32 PM  

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