Saturday, February 04, 2006

Your thoughts, please

I plan to write soon about the site, and other, similar sites.

I want to know your thoughts...does this page intrigue you? Are you inclined to learn more about who is buying and who is using this mish-mash of links?

Personally, I think it's a confusing mess, but somehow it pulls me in. I guess it's like drivng past an don't like it, but you really want to see what's going on.

Here's the page:

Thanks in advance.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's trashy and tacky, like the bearded lady at a circus, but it's novel so it pulls you in. Not that anyone needs to go back. But he's made his million, and I'm sure plenty of people wish they had thought of such an original idea.

2/04/2006 1:45 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

This immediately reminded me of the "Save Karyn" campaign from a few years ago.* When I see things like this and I see that they actually worked, I just wonder why I never come up with such brilliant ideas. (Of course, one doesn't know they're brilliant until they actually work.) The Million Dollar Homepage is tacky and garish made the guy a million bucks. More power to him.

* Karyn was saved and has written a book about her plight. The book has been optioned by a studio, so her story may someday be the subject of a movie. Wish I'd been that smart when I was young and cute and broke. No one wants to see a movie about a middle aged suburbanite who pays her bills.

2/05/2006 4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Al, when the million dollar homepage was making the rounds thru the news a couple months ago, a lot of people didn't understand why it was good to advertise on the site. It's all about search rankings.

When site a is linked by a very popular site b, that is very good for site a.

MillionDollarHomepage received millions of hits and was linked by just about every major newspaper, blog and news site in the world. That made MillionDollarHomepage get a very very very high ranking. So, anyone who is linked from MDH is getting linked by a very popular site.

If I'm site a, I buy a very small link from MDH so that it will help my search rankings out quite a bit. It's not about the ad's about the link from the page.

2/09/2006 7:17 AM  

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