Friday, July 29, 2005

Live Chat / Message Boards / IM clarification

Time to clarify what I wrote earlier this week about Blogs vs. Message Boards, etc...

When I mentioned live chat, I didn't mean Instant Messenger products. I know their value and use them regularly. I think they're the "killer app" right now, as they let you talk live, in real time, with one or more people of your choosing.

What I meant by "live chat" was the old-fashioned Chat Rooms that seemed to be so popular about three or four years ago. Typically, people gather in a chat room because they share an interest. It could be travel, hobbies or just looking for friends. We had a very active Chat room when we operated, and still have one on, but it is not well used.

It's this chat room where we held the live chats with the traffic reporters earlier this week.

We also have message boards on These are threaded and sorted by topic. We've found that the boards have their own community, and that oftentimes people seem to use them like they are actually a live chat room. The boards have been part of our site for a number of years and we've changed software and hosting solutions a few times in recent years. They are quite popular, but can get tedious to read and participate in if you don't do it regularly.

So...Thanks to those who've commented so far. I appreciate the feedback.

Blog on!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Blogs vs. Message Boards vs. Chat

The way I see it, Blogs have evolved from Message Boards and live Chat. Sure, they all still exist, and some people use them all, but a well-done blog leaves you little reason to use a threaded message board and I can even argue that it's better than a live chat -- in many or most cases.

A case in point is the chat we hosted Tuesday on with the traffic guys, Omar (The Road Warrior) and Tom (Chopper Tom). While nearly everyone is touched by traffic in our fair city, and they surely talk about it and are concerned about what they encounter (and we know they have opinions on it), participating in a live chat from 1 to 2 p.m. just doesn't work for everyone. Yes, we had some great questions and they gave their "expert" opinions as journalists assigned to the traffic beat. But I believe a blog on traffic in the Las Vegas valley would probably be a better forum for this topic.

The experts could toss out topics or ideas, then readers like you and me would be able to leave comments and questions. It would quickly develop a life of its own, even it served as an extension to Omar's traffic columns and news stories and Tom's observations while gliding above the gridlock.

What's your take? Do you still use message boards and live chat? If so, which ones do you like?

I look forward to seeing what the rest of the blogosphere does with these interactive options.

Blog on!
p.s...There's a second chance to participate in a live chat with Omar and Tom from 1 to 2 p.m. Thursday, July 28 at

Friday, July 22, 2005

Home again

I'm back to a semblance of normalcy, if that's really possible. My travels are over, for now, as I have an entire month before I step onto a plane again. You'd think I'd learn to get OUT of Las Vegas in the middle of July, but noooooooo...I'll be right here, enjoying the season.

Blogs are still top-of-mind for me, as I've heard from several people who've started them up after they heard me speak and saw my columns on the topic. Anyone who's a fan of former Review-Journal staffers Dave Berns and Steve Sebelius will be glad to hear they'll be blogging soon from their new homes -- and, respectively.

We're creating a new blog site for the entire Las Vegas valley and community, and I'll be writing more about that once it launches, so for now, sit tight and keep blogging!

Friday, July 15, 2005

Chicago, One Great City

Coming to you today from the hotel beside the famous Water Tower on Michigan Avenue. For those of you unfamiliar with Chicago history, the Water Tower is one of the only buildings that survived the Great Chicago Fire so many years ago and has stood as a sign of the resiliancy of the city and its people.

I'm here for a couple days of meetings, followed by a couple days of fun, including a surprise visit to my mom tomorrow.

I want to thank all of you bloggers who've contributed to this "blog on blogs." I plan to mention blogging again in some future columns, but will give it a rest for a while. That doesn't mean this topic is dead, here. It means it's time to expand my scope.

What exactly will that entail? I don't quite know, but plan to update this spot at least weekly. Stay tuned...and keep commenting on previous posts, as I plan to refer to you "experts" out there in future writings on blogs.

Happy blogging!

Thursday, July 07, 2005

London bombing blogs

The use of blogs in news reporting was evident today, as coverage of the London bombings was extended.

Here are some blogs I found, but please add to the list if you've found others.

Guardian Unlimited
Alfie's Moblog
Times of London - links to blogs
We Are Not Afraid

Bloggers respond!

The blogging community is very loyal, indeed. I asked for input, you gave it.


My next column will NOT be about Blogs, but I plan a follow-up sometime in the next month or so. I've heard from several new bloggers who aren't sure HOW to get traffic to their blogs. I, too, am new to this, but have the distinct advantage of publishing a column every week, which I used to drive to traffic to this spot.

My question to you, is: What tips or advice can you give (that I will share in a column) to bloggers looking to connect with people sharing interests or hobbies? I know that posting comments on the blogs that are similar to theirs is one way, but I'm guessing there are other ways, too.

Share with me here, and I'll glean the best tips for a future column.

Blog on!