Saturday, February 04, 2006

Your thoughts, please

I plan to write soon about the site, and other, similar sites.

I want to know your thoughts...does this page intrigue you? Are you inclined to learn more about who is buying and who is using this mish-mash of links?

Personally, I think it's a confusing mess, but somehow it pulls me in. I guess it's like drivng past an don't like it, but you really want to see what's going on.

Here's the page:

Thanks in advance.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Back...again...and BIDDING HAS STARTED!

Hi, again...

Ok, it's been a while since I've blogged anything, but that doesn't mean I haven't been busy. Just the opposite. Between the holidays and family emergencies, life has been anything but calm.

But...I AM back to the blog, and I will do my best to make regular appearances here.

Now...for the blatant, self-serving portion of this program:

If you haven't heard, Nevada Public Radio is in the midst of their third online auction...and once again, one of the items...if not THE top item... is lunch with moi...The Online Guy. To get there, start at and click into the Online Auction banner atop the page. You'll need to register to bid, including giving your credit card through a secure site. Don't worry, they know what they're doing.

Once there, click into the NAMES IN THE NEWS link, and scroll down a bit. You'll find a BARGAIN price. Last time I checked, the bid was $25...and last year I went for MUCH more than that.

Check it out...and BID!

p.s...You can get to the auction directly at this link: