Tuesday, June 28, 2005

New bloggers

My Friday presentation on Blogging to the Las Vegas chapter of the PRSA went very well. The audience was attentive, the equipment worked and there were good questions from the floor. I WAS wondering, though, why chicken was on the menu at Lawry's -- a spot famous for its Prime Rib. Oh well...it was pretty good, anyway.

I'm a bit surprised that visitors to this site haven't left more comments, especially after my Monday column talked about Blogs -- giving several examples to check out from this one. (That's why I haven't changed the site till now. I wanted to make it EZ for folks to find the links.)

I see today that Blogger added the ability to easily post photos on blogs, too. I will give that a shot later, as the pics I would want to add reside on a different computer. I'm guessing it's pretty simple, and will share my impression in my next column and right here, too!

Blog on!


Monday, June 20, 2005

Blogging 101 links


I'm wrapping up a PowerPoint presentation about BLOGGING and plan to invite to this post anyone wanting more information and links to the many blogs I mention. I also will cite this blog in my upcoming column about BLOGS, scheduled for June 27, 2005.

Links will appear in the next post.

Now...get yourself a blog!



When I arrived at Honolulu airport last night, I overheard a woman and her daughter who were walking off the jetway and into the terminal just ahead of me:

Mother: "Wow, is it ever humid!"
Daughter: "Yeah, but it's a GOOD humid!"

I'd never heard of "good" humidity before, but she was right. 86% humidity here feels different than the same amount of Midwest swelter. I'll remember the goodness of the humidity everytime I wipe my brow this week.

...aloha, al

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Post Number One

No. 1
Numero uno.
The last time it can be first.
This is it...the BEGINNING of my b l o g...

Actually, I'm doing this as a test. An experiment, if you will, for my column and presentation about BLOGS. I figured it'd be easier to talk about if I actually knew what it was and how easy it is to create...and keep creating.

Where's it going? Who knows?

I hope you're along for the ride.

till next time...al

(footnote)...This was incredibly easy to do. I can understand why there are SO many bloggers.